Saturday, February 16, 2008

A Whole Bunch of Lackluster Shit!

My stitches were removed today. Apparently there were 7 stitches, not 6. The doctor who put them in at the hospital must have lost count or something which, of course, is very comforting. I was supposed to get them out on Friday at 1:15, however I was running about 10 minutes late because of my horrible sense of direction and, when my mom called to inform the bitches who work at the front desk of my whereabouts, they told me that I would have to wait until Monday because they were "too busy".

a) Clearly I would have been waiting for a half hour anyway.
b) If they're very busy, I'd probably be waiting for a minimum of one hour.
c) It boggles my mind that, even though it's never an issue if the doctor is late, appointments must be rescheduled if the patient whom is paying the doctor is running 10 minutes late.

Overall, thank you Family Doctors for being absolute dicks.

I don't really know what's making me want to post here today. I have nothing to talk about as I went home for the weekend and do not have any James stories. I guess I just wanted to. Currently, I have to take a shit. I also have to read for "What it Means to be Human", a class that I'm forced to take at Salve Reheinous which is of course, as you obviously can tell from the name, is absolutely invigorating. I'm supposed to read "Children of the Alley" which is basically a series of stories from the Bible that are twisted around and Egyptianized. My teacher is from Egypt, actually. I'm supposed to get a paper back from her that I spent a very long time doing as a result of my loss of brain capacity and apparently she is a very hard grader. I never handle getting bad grades on papers well. If I'm not writing about a topic that I have interest in, I think that my teachers should understand that my paper is going to suck. If they can't understand, then maybe they should befriend the dicks at Family Doctors or something.

I have no idea why I'm even speaking right now. This shit is so fucking boring, I know. I went to my grandmothers house today and told them that I walked into a tree branch and that is how I injured my eye. Telling them the real story is a) too difficult to explain and b) highly bizarre and embarrassing which results in a lot of nervous heinousness. My grandmother and my aunt make a very big deal about everything. I was going to wear a sweater I just bought over to their house, but then I decided against it because I didn't want them to comment on it and tell me how nice it was. Even when I wear a sweatshirt from Old Navy they make a big deal out of it. They're remodeling their entire house, actually. By "remodeling", I of course mean "putting up new wallpaper".

By the way, my eyebrow is fucked up. The end of it is like thinning and looks like shit. I don't really care too much about my appearance (which is why I wore the same sweatpants 4 days in a row last week), but people with weird eyebrows kind of freak me out. Especially people who like, draw/have tattooed on eyebrows. I know they can't do anything about it, but like... it's just weird and makes me uncomfortable because I can't help but stare.

I've been watching the new HBO series "In Treatment" lately. It's pretty good, actually. It's been the first actual TV show (not reality TV) that I've liked since "Friends" went off the air.

In the title of this entry I initially was going to use the word "boring" instead of "lackluster". I then looked at the word "boring" and decided to copy and paste it into Microsoft Word and use the thesaurus because I had nothing better to do. Thus, "lackluster" was birthed.

I think I have cleared my mind of all that is sleep-worthy now. I will use this entry in the future for when I am unable to sleep due to staying up until 3 AM watching YouTube videos and then trying to fall asleep at 12 AM the next night in order to be up for class at 8 AM. I am also going to consider submitting it to a medical researcher to use as a very practical substitute for anesthesiology. At least it will serve some definite purpose!

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