Sunday, October 7, 2007

There Is 100% No Reason For Me To Post Right Now

Nothing is new really. James (my fat roommate... i have decided to address him by his proper name in this entry because having to type "my fat roommate" is far too much effort for my fingers to engage in. Actually, now that I look back, it was probably more effort for me to type that entire last parenthetical sentence than to just say "my fat roommate" whenever necessary, but anyway...) is just as bizarre as usual. I have gone home this weekend. I also went home last weekend.

This weekend was good, actually. Nothing remarkably heinous occurred (likely because I was not in the presence of James and I didn't have to dodge overflowed toilets that were viciously mauled and attacked by the bodily substances of my other roommate). In fact, the most heinous thing that has occurred this weekend has been being disconnected from the internet twice whilst typing this entry.

Actually, wait. That is a lie. The MOST heinous thing that happened this weekend took place at around 6:00 PM today when I was forced against my will to complete an Alcohol Education online workshop thingamajigerfuckyouevilbastardsihopeyoudie for my college that took over three hours. THREE HOURS!!!!!!!! I tried to "test out" at the beginning (even if you do test out you still have to listen to all of the videos and answer questions/complete a survey after each one) however I failed and thus probably had to do even more work than necessary.

Okay, I have run out of things to say. I'm going to watch TV now. Goodbye.

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