Thursday, June 7, 2007

Looking Ahead

As i sit and write this entry I regret to inform you that I haven't gotten up off of this chair (except to get some milk just a few minutes ago) in about six hours. While sitting this chair, I have made some wonderfully ambitious and interesting decisions. I have decided 1) that I should start selling things on eBay because it grants me the ability to make money while sitting in this previously mentioned chair, 2) that I should also get a part time job this summer that involves sitting instead of standing, and 3) that I should get a new car that doesn't convulse while I drive up hills and reek of gasoline.

I really can't believe how bored I am right now. Before when I would get to this point of immense boredom I would create a new blog. Nowadays along with my immense boredom comes immense laziness, making such activities impossible. To all those reading, if anyone actually has managed to a) make their way to this URL or b) have the ability to stay conscious whilst reading this entry, I commend you. Your attention span is clearly 48930839058195734 times the size of mine. I can barely even continue to write this without wanting to pass out, nevermind actually have the focus and determination to voluntarily read it.

I like cheese.

Actually, I don't. That was a lie. That's just something I wrote because I honestly didn't have anything else to write. I have no idea why I'm even still typing this blog entry. It has become clear to both myself and I'm sure all of you that I have nothing else even remotely entertaining to write, yet I still continue to pull words directly from my asshole. Yes, you read that correctly. In fact, my asshole is now typing this blog entry. jkaslgjkl;sdgjsdkgsadgffdsagewiotuweriavcxnmzvx. Camera. Zync. I like how I though that Zync was the correct spelling of the element Zinc until corrected me by underlining "Zync" in red. Wallet. The Polar Express. Yes, in case you were wondering, my asshole is now typing the names of things sitting on my desk at the moment. Speakers. Headphones. K, I really need to stop now. By this point I'm 100% positive that you all (again, I use that term because it's too embarrassing and pathetic to acknowledge the truth that no one is really reading this entry) think I have some kind of psychological disorder.

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