Monday, November 12, 2007

Once Again, Thank You James!

James has been straightening his hair lately. His reasoning: "I want to look more Asian."

Once again, I find myself speechless.

Also, I have now formed a fairly strong addiction to Guitar Hero. James bought the latest edition (which is pretty much the only good thing he's done since I've met him). I have mastered the "easy" level and am in the process of mastering the "medium" level. My goal for the week is to become a novice at the "hard" level. I'm sure you're happy to hear that along with soaking up every ounce of the college experience, I've also set some extremely productive and impressive goals for myself.

Lastly, if James follows me to the school cafeteria ONE MORE TIME I think that I'm going to literally throw myself under a bus en route. Every time I go to leave the room he asks, "Are you going to eat?" If I say "Yes" he then says "Oh, can I come with?"

The answer, James, even though I'm far too fake of a person to say this to your face, is a definite NO. NO action that involves ME being in the presence of YOU is EVER okay.

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  1. hahahahahaa! you crack me up!
    i've just read some of your previous entries (up until the last one that shows up on the front page) and you. are. hilarious.
    you sum up the entire college experience so well (i'm a freshman in college as well)! i know how it feels to have a really sucky roommate, but luckily i escaped from that situation and moved to another room down the hall.
    but good luck on dealing with 'the fat roommate'! i know exactly what you mean by feeling like to fake of a person to say no.
    also, guitar hero is love. i cannot wait until i come home for christmas break and i can just play the new edition until my fingers fall off.

  2. I know you wrote me this about 3 months ago, but thank you very much! It's comforting to hear that one other person reads this blog.
